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Privacy notice (italian art. 13 D.lgs. 196/2003)

We inform that the law D.lgs. n. 196 of the 30th June 2003 ("Code for the protection of personal details") provides for the protection of people and other individuals in regards to the use of personal details. According to the indicated statement, such use will be set by the principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency and of protection of your confidentiality and of your rights. According to article 13 of D.lgs. n.196/2003, therefore, we provide you the following information:

  1. The details you provide will be used for the following purposes: management and process of the supply contract of the services to which you subscribed; organisation, management and process of supply of services also through communication of the details to third parties our suppliers; performance of law obligations or other performances requested by the competent Authorities.
  2. The use will be carried out with the following conditions: help of computer/manual tools.
  3. Giving the details is obligatory for the purpose of valuating your request and the possible refusal of supplying such details could imply the non-fulfilment of your request.
  4. Except for what is strictly necessary for the correct performance of the supply contract, the details in question will not be communicated to other individuals, nor will they be spread, if not without explicit consent.

The holder of the use is Fabas Luce Via Luigi Talamoni, 75 20861 BRUGHERIO (MB) Italy - P.IVA 10725990153 info@fabasluce.it, who you can contact in order to assert your rights as provided for by art.7 of Decreto Legislativo n. 196/2003 which we indicate here below:

Art. 7 - Right to access to personal details and other rights

  1. the interested party has the right to receive the confirmation of the existence or not of personal details which regard him or her, even if not yet registered, and possible communication of such details in an intelligible form;
  2. the interested party has the right to obtain:
    1. the origin of the personal details;
    2. the purposes and conditions of use;
    3. the applied logic in case of use carried out with the help of electronic tools;
    4. the identification details of the owner, managers and of the designated representative according to art. 5, paragraph 2;
    5. the individuals or the categories of individuals to which the personal details can be communicated or that can obtain as designated representative in the territory of the State, as manager or delegate.
  3. the interested party has the right to obtain:
    1. the update, the rectification or rather, when necessary, the integration of the details;
    2. the deletion, the transformation in an anonymous form or the blockage of the details used in violation of the law, including those which do not need to be conserved in relation to the purposes for which such details have been gathered or subsequently used;
    3. the evidence that the operations mentioned in letters a) and b) have been brought to the attention, including its content, of those to which the details have been communicated or spread, except in cases in which such a measure proves to be impossible or implies the use of clearly disproportionate means in comparison to the protected right.
  4. the interested party has the right to oppose, entirely or partly:
    1. to the use of personal details which regard him or her for legitimate reasons, even if related to the purposes of collection of such details;
    2. to the use of personal details which regard him or her in order to send advertising material or direct sale or to carry out market researches or commercial communication.

Consent formula

Having read the above information, and according to art. 13, Lgs. D. 196/2003, the user declares consent to the use of his or her personal details provided as described above.

Cookie richtlinien

Cookies sind momentan deaktiviert, Ermöglicht cookies

Allgemeine informationen

Was sind Cookies?

Cookies sind kleine Textdateien, die auf dem Endgerät des Besuchers einer Website abgelegt werden. Beim Surfen auf unserer Website werden auf dem verwendeten Endgerät, egal ob Computer oder mobiles Endgerät, einige wenige Daten in Form von Cookies in den vom Browser des Nutzers verwendeten Verzeichnissen gespeichert.

Cookies are used for different purposes: execution of authentication information , monitoring sessions , storing information about specific configurations about users accessing the server , the storing preferences, etc.

What are "technical Cookies"?

They are cookies that are used to make browsing or provide a service requested by the user.They are not used for purposes other and are normally installed by the owner of the website. Without the use of these cookies, some operations could not be carried out or would be more complex and / or less secure, such as home banking activities (display of the account statement, bank, pay bills, etc.), For the such as cookies, that allow you to make and keep the user identification with the session, are indispensable.

What are "profiling cookies"?

Cookies are used to track the user's navigation on the network and create profiles on his tastes, habits, choices, etc. These cookies can be transmitted to the user's terminal advertising messages in line with the preferences already expressed by the user in navigating online.

Von www.lamialuce.eu genutzte cookies

Technische Cookies

Analytics cookies

Third-party cookies

Beim Surfen können Cookies durch Websites gesetzt werden, die von anderen Organisationen (Dritten) betrieben werden, bedingt durch die „social plugins“ für Facebook, Twitter, Google+ und anderer Dienste, wie Googel Maps oder Google Analytics. Das Vorhandensein dieser plugins führt zur Übertragung von Cookies zu und von den Websites, die von Dritten betrieben werden. Informationen zu den von Dritten erfassten Daten finden Sie in den Datenschutzbestimmungen der jeweiligen Betreiber.

Zur besseren Transparenz werden die nachfolgenden Webadressen, die zu den Datenschutzerklärungen und zu den Änderungsmöglichkeiten von Cookie-Einstellungen führen, aufgelistet.

Browser Settings

Der Nutzer kann selbst darüber entscheiden, ob er Cookies zulässt oder nicht, indem er die Browser-Einstellungen ändert. Bei vollständiger oder teilweiser Deaktivierung der technischen Cookies kann für angemeldete Nutzer nicht garantiert werden, dass die Dienste ohne Einschränkung funktionieren. Die Funktion der öffentlichen Inhalte wird auch durch die komplette Deaktivierung der Cookies nicht beeinträchtigt.

Informationen zur Deaktivierung von Cookies über die Browser-Einstellungen sind hier zu finden: